Purim Activities
5771 - 2011

This Purim was exceptionally busy.
Before Purim over
1100 Purim
Guides were
distributed in the community.
On Purim over 150 Mishloach Monos
Gifts were
the elderly,
and housebound in the community. Many of the gifts were distributed by
girls from the Lubavitch Bat Chayil
classes taught
by Mrs Sora Jacobs who visited the residents living
at two sheltered
housing units in the community
at Walton Court
and Barrland Court.
Rabbi Jacobs read the Megila
five times for
people at these
complexes and for people who
are housebound. A Purim Seudah was
held for 25
people with entertainment
by violinist Lev Atlas
Some 160 adults
& children attended the
Shul in the Park Purim Party held
together with
Clarkston Shul organised by
Rabbi Mendel & Tzirl Jacobs.
This event was
held at
Burnfield Care Home
within the
Jewish community and
was a great social success
for the residents
and the entire community.
During Purim Rabbi Mendel visited residents
at both the the care homes Burnfield Care
and Westacres where he is the chaplain.
Purim 2011 at
'Shul in the Park'
Click Here
5710 /2010
Over 90
children and adults attended the
Lubavitch Purim Brunch.
There was lots of food, fun and a fancy dress contest.
Winners of the Fancy Dress were
Eve Jackson and Sarah Manson.
Before Purim over 600 Purim
Guides were distributed.
On Purim over 150 Mishloach Monos
Gifts were distributedto
the elderly,
and housebound in the community.
A Lubavitch Purim Supper was held for 60
teenagers in conjunction with
Glasgow Maccabi and FZY.
A great time was had by everyone attending.
Part of the 90 adults
and children who
attended the Lubavitch Purim Brunch
at the Lubavitch Centre on Purim Morning
Bringing Jewish pride to the
Glasgow Jewish Community
and throughout Scotland!
Concert March 2008
the Video

Rabbi Chaim Jacobs & Rabbi Mendel Jacobs

Mrs Sora Jacobs
and the Bat Chayil Class
visiting people living in Barrland Court
Sheltered Housing on Purim Everyone received and exchanged Purim gifts.
The Megila was read by Rabbi Chaim Jacobs.
the afternoon the
children had a entertainer.
was raised from Matonot L'evyonim
in aid of Shaarei Tzedek hospital.