Mitzvah Campaigns
At this time we Join world Jewry
and think and pray for the Jews in Israel.
We urge you to do extra Mitzvois
and good deeds in their honour.
Please join the
World Wide Tefillin Campaign
Information about Tefillin
Click Here
At the time of the Six Day War in 1967,
the Lubavitcher Rebbe
called on Jews worldwide to intensify their
observance of the Mitzva of Tefillin.
This was in accordance with the Talmudic quotation
that the Mitzva of Tefillin scares away the enemy,
and that in the merit of the Mitzva of Tefillin Jewish soldiers are
successful in battle in a miraculous way.
The words of the Rebbe still apply today as they did then.
Due to the serious security crisis in Israel,
when Israel needs extra special protection
we call upon all men and boys over Bar Mitzvah to.......
* Wear Tefillin each weekday morning.
* To at least wear them to say the Shema.
*Tefillin can be put on anytime until Sunset.
*To have one s Tefillin and Mezuzos checked at
least once in three years to make sure
the writing has not faded and that they are kosher.
The protective power that radiates from
the Mitzva of Tefillin and any other
Mitzva can be shared by Jews worldwide.
Information about the
Click Here 
* Ladies and all unmarried girls
please light your
* Shabbos candles every Friday
before Shabbos begins.
your rabbi or Chabad Lubavitch
in your area to find out the correct time
for Candle Lighting.
Candle Lighting Times for the Glasgow Jewish Community see the
or your local Jewish Newspaper
For Information about
Shabbat Candle Lighting
Click Here
Young girls too should
light Shabbos Candles |