Kosher Food
& Jewish Home Fortnight Shevat 5773 - January 2013
Lubavitch have been busy this past
fortnight distributing 500 Leaflets about Kashrus,
On Sunday 19 January a
Food Tasting event at Hello Deli and a Cake Crafting of Muffins
made into Beef
burgers with Mindelle Greenhill, followed by Fruity Quiz and Fruit Tasting for Tubeshevat with Sora.
On that Sunday afternoon there was a fruit
carving demo by Retired Chef Henry Wuga.
Lubavitch Glasgow L'Chaim's
Restaurant held its annual Burns Supper this past Saturday
night attended by 30 guest.
to the Haggis and Tam O'Shanter was recited by good friend Orrie Lovat.
The Haggis was piped in By Norrie Zinger of the Glasgow JLGB.
The evening was chaired by Rabbi
Chaim Jacobs and organised by Mrs Sora Jacobs.
A great night was enjoyed by all.
Monday 28 January 24
ladies of all ages filled L'Chaim's Restaurant for a
Lunch and Learn
session with Sora Jacobs.
Besides enjoying a tasty meal
by restaurant chef Peter Lindsay they enjoyed a touch of
spirituality with a talk about Kashrus by Sora and questions that
This talk too was part of the
Lubavitch Kosher Food and Jewish Home Fortnight activities
25 men and women plus Lubavitch Bat Chayil
Girls packed the Lubavitch Centre in Giffnock
to enjoy and participate in a demo how to make an Ice Cream Bomb by
Mindelle Greenhill,
and Chala Baking Demo by Karen Levy with audience participation.
Ladies were welcomed by Sora Jacobs who organised the evening and
gave a brief explanation about why women in particular try to
observe the mitzvah of Chala.
The guests enjoyed tasting the samples on
offer and took their platted chala's home to bake.
Lubavitch plan to start a monthly Chala baking Club. Those
interested should call Sora on 638 6116.
Presentations of flowers were made by Sora to Karen and Mindelle
on behalf of Lubavitch in appreciation of the time and effort
they put in to make the events of the past fortnight a roaring
Tuesday and Wednesday 29-30 January some 25 people have enjoyed
Fish and Chips Lunches at a special promotion price for the Kosher
Food Fortnight.
Collect Your Leaflet about Kosher Food from Hello Deli
New Really Kosher Food Guide 2013 Available £10.00
The writing in Tefillin &
Mezuzos often fades.
They should be checked at least twice in seven years
Some Check them each year
We will shortly be bringing a Sofer Scribe to Glasgow
to carry out checking of Tefillin & Mezuzos at a nominal charge
If you wish to have your
Tefillin & Mezuzos
Checked Please call to book an appointment
The Protective Power of Kosher Mezuzos
Click Here
The Protective Power of Kosher Tefillin
Click Here
The Case of a Scandalous Mezuzah
About Tefillin
Click Here
About Mezuzos
Click Here
About Kosher Food
Click Here
About Family Purity and Mikve for Women
Click Here
Watch the space for our Lady Speaker
about Mikve who will be coming to speak after Pesach
For Further Information about any of the above
Please Call Rabbi Chaim & Sora Jacobs
0141 638 6116
