During his 45 minute address which left not a
dry eye in the house Leibel Zisman spoke about
the five miracles of his survival despite seeing his parents and
siblings being taken away,
the numerous beatings, shootings and killings, the in-humane conditions in
which he survived
and even going twice on the famous death march at the tender age of
13-15 years.
Dinner Chairman Bill Talbot still
enjoys the spirit of Lubavitch
Sora Jacobs
the ladies in dancing
More than once a gun was held to his head but he miraculously survived.
Once holocaust victim
screamed at him in the camps before he died "When you get out from here
tell the world of all
the suffering of our people". He does not know the name of that man but
his message still rings
in his ears and this is why he travels around the world telling people of
the suffering of our people
at the hand of nazis. Leibel explained how proud he is to be a Lubavitch
chosid and a religious Jew
and how his belief in G-d keeps him going each day. His survival and
everything he has today is only
thanks to G-d.
He told over about the special blessings he received from the 6th
Lubavitcher Rebbe both when
he was still in Europe together with his father and when he first
arrived in the United States
and how it inspires and gives him the strength to carry on.
In his address Rabbi Chaim Jacobs welcomed the guests including chairman
of the first two
Lubavitch dinners held in January and November of 1972 Bill and Alte
Talbot. At the first
dinner only 36 people were in attendance.
The Provost (mayor) of East
Renfrewshire Council receives the
Kindness to Mankind Award
Miracle holocaust
Leibel Zisman
Addresses the guests
The Lord Provost (mayor)
of Glasgow receives the
Kindness to Mankind Award
During the evening the Kindness to Mankind
Award was given to the Lord Provost and
Provost for the Glasgow City Council and East Renfrewshire Council in
appreciation of the way
Glasgow and East Renfrewshire welcomed the Jewish refugees of Europe pre,
during and post
world war Two. In responding the provost of Glasgow presented Lubavitch
with the Glasgow city
council coat of arms in recognition of all their efforts.
The event was catered by Lubavitch's L'chaim's Kosher Catering organised
entirely by
and the evening concluded with a vote of thanks by long standing friend
and supporter
Lubavitch Michael Samuel.
The event was sponsored by the Sholom and Pessy Jacobs family
foundation promoting Jewish
Awareness. This enabled the ticket price to be kept at a price everyone
could afford.
During Leibel's visit to the
UK he also addressed 35 Edinburgh students at
Chabad Lubavitch of Edinburgh and 100 members of the Singers Hill
Synagogue in Birmingham
where Rabbi Yossi Jacobs is the chief minister